El Savador cheap food エルサルバドルの庶民的な食事

In El Salvador, I was eating same thing pretty much everyday. In general, cheap food in El Salvador was not as good as Mexico. I miss cheap yet good quality Mexican food these days. But there are still decent, value for money meals. Here is my favorite food list. Here is my favorite biscuit ice cream. TRITZ $1.5. エルサルバドルでの食事について、基本同じ物ばかり食べていました。サーフィンばっかりであんまりまともなもの食べていません。正直メキシコ料理が恋しい今日この頃です。 エルサルバドルで食べたビスケットアイスクリーム TRITZ $1.5 First, open the lid まずフタをあけ Turn it upside down. ひっくり返して Eat with hands just like Biscuit. ビスケット状態で手でそのまま食べます I was eating this almost everyday. ほぼ毎日たべていた Choco Banana $0.35 you can buy this at normal family house, Not at shops. 民家で買えます Local food, Papusa $2, super cheap. put cabbage and salsa on it. Papusa パプーサ $2 激安 キャベツのっけてサルサかけて食べる It is a restaurant at Tunco Lodge which is next to the hostel I stayed in. I went there almost everyday for dinner. This Pincho combo including Beer is only for $5, incredibly cheap. 近所のTunco LodgeのPincho これでビールがついてUS$5 かなり安い ここでほぼ毎日ディナー I went to other restaurant on beach but it was expensive and not good taste either. Especially the Sushi I had on beach in day one was horrible. これ以外にもビーチ沿いのレストランにも行きましたが、$15以上する上にあまり美味しくなかった。特に最初に食べた寿司は最悪でした 笑 It is a quick meal report from El Tunco, El Salvador. 以上エルサルバドルの食事内容でした。


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